Cynthia J Hardwick PhD
A Message from Cindy
Throughout the planet, folks are waking up to what freedom truly means. They’re seizing this unique opportunity to re-design a world that ends oppression and brings the peace, joy, and freedom they so want and deserve.
Life’s far too precious to live at the edge of burnout doing what you think you’re “supposed” to do — what others want and expect of you — instead of living a life that’s true to you.
Your life is a creative work of your own design and making.
It’s time to create a life that supports the things that fuel you — that bring you the peace, joy and freedom you want and deserve.

A community for discovering your inner spark
so you can finally launch the life and career you love
You’ve worked really hard and done quite well as you’ve built your life and career. But still you’re hungry for something more — something uniquely special — something that energizes and fuels you and sparks aliveness deep within!
The only problem is, you might not know what that “something” is… And even if you do have a vision for what’s missing, you might not know how to get there (or how to get out of your own way, so you can get there).
Your Life Of Plenty is a community where you can reconnect with what’s most authentically true for you, find your creative spark, and free yourself of the racket of anxiety and burnout…
So you can finally launch something that lights you up and brings you success – along with that deeper sense of peace and freedom you’ve been longing for.
Isn’t that what living your life of plenty is all about?