Maybe you’ve found yourself at the edge of burnout, stuck in a system that doesn’t fit who you are.
Perhaps you’ve built your life around a respected line of work, but it’s stifling you, inhibiting your joy, and destroying your inner peace.
For years you may have denied deep rumblings urging you in a different direction. Or it’s possible your dreams got so buried beneath work that you don’t even remember what they are.
But sitting back and ignoring your inner yearnings is a denial of who you are and a betrayal of yourself and all you’re worth. When you do this it hurts not only your wellbeing, but it impacts all those around who you so love.
Because what you’re denying is your creative genius — begging to be unleashed to design the work and life you love. Your creativity is the antidote to burnout! And it’s your responsibility to take this journey that’s most true to you.
Your creative genius is your secret sauce – your most important ally for 21st-century business and personal survival.
When you align yourself authentically, you develop a “self-actualized creativity” that’s “stimulated and unfrightened by the mysterious, the unknown….the uncertain” (Maslow,1968, Towards a Psychology of Being, pp.153-159).
Your creativity is your top leadership asset. It not only sets you apart from the rest, but it’s what helps you create and innovate with solutions to the improbable.
And creativity is a key factor missing in most major health and wellness programs available. It’s no small wonder burnout remains at such an all-time high!
You don’t have to walk away from all you love to unleash your creative genius. But to live without regrets means you’ll need to take a firm stand. While that will delight some, it will disappoint others as well.
To effectively commit to living your passion, no matter how unconventionally creative you are, first you MUST value yourself fully, be your own authority, and then speak your courageous truth. Folks will take notice when you believe in yourself and know your worth!
Please don’t sit back if you’re confused, uncertain, or even ambivalent about pursuing your dreams…. It’s never too late.
I have a client, who at 80 years of age, decided to pursue her life passion. She courageously embarked on travels to Africa on repeated missions over a period of 7 years. She almost didn’t make that first trip. But now she reports she can look back with no regrets!
So let today can be the beginning of a new era where you unleash your own creative genius!
Click here and let’s schedule a chat: Let’s Connect
Dr. Cindy Hardwick is a Coaching and Consulting Psychologist with nearly four decades of experience. She specializes in well-being for holistically informed healthcare professionals, executives, and entrepreneurs. Learn more about her here https://linktr.ee/cjhardwickphd and at her website CynthiaHardwick.com